Thursday, June 4, 2015

RR TO: "Crafting Electronic Messages"

After reading Crafting Electronic Messages I realize E-mail is a little more complex that I originally thought. Who knew there were actual ways to make en e-mail "effective." Not only that, but who knew e-mailing (at work or "business" related) could become such a bug problem.
Crafting Electronic Messages mentions, on page 179, that more than one quarter of U.S employers have terminated employees for the misuse of company e-mail systems. Now that's insane.
What is this employee was the best of the best? Well, maybe a best of the best employee would not miss use the use of e-mailing… *thought bubble here*
It is considered unprofessional to use a cellular device during work hours to inform a loved one of something or receive an important text in return. Now, I would imagine by using the computer placed smack dab in front of them to replace the use of e cell phone would be alright in the companies book, guess not.

On the plus side, E-mails is can be super handy when it comes to someone who has awful hand writing. Sending an e-mail to a potential college, potential job, potential anything important, really, would be much easier and crisp to read. Perhaps even more efficient because if the sender is nervous to lead a face to face conversation, he or she is able to express themselves in a calm, detailed fashion.
E-mail is also good for making appointments for busy, hard to get ahold of people. Just shoot them an email in hopes they receive it directly to their phone and bam. Appointment date and set.

On page 181 there are effective writing tips. The tip I most reside with and consider most helpful: When you request information or action, make it clear what you're asking for, why it's important, and how soon you need it; don't make your reader write back for details.
Perhaps why this tip is listed as #1.


  1. Funny you should mention having the computer in front and out of the view of the customer would be acceptable in communicating non work related topics at the workplace. I have witness and be the guilty party in communicating while on the job (working for Verizon Wireless has its perks). Back in the days, I would setup a computer generated message in the form of a peer to peer IM software that would allow me to chat with my colleagues, without looking unprofessional on the floor texting away.

  2. Nice job, Ernestina. Emails are definitely a bit more complex than initially "meets the eye," and we'll be discussing this in more depth in class on Thursday.

