Monday, June 29, 2015

RR TO: "How To Read Like A Writer"

Okay, so, at first, I thought - "Great. Another reading, another blog post." As if English class wasn't interesting enough already, through this specific English course I have learned that writing is legit shiz.
On "How To Read Like A Writer" the author, Mike Bunn, does a very good job of making us, the readers, think and conjure up questions. He also gives plenty student examples, which is a total plus.

By reading Mike Bunn's HTRLAW I learned that by reading like a write will help me to write like one too.
Also, I learned that everything has structure. I mean, this concept was already a thought to me but now, I see the actual act of writing differently.

Probably one of my favorite readings by far because I am so scattered brained. Hopefully Mike Bunn instilled a thing or two in my reading & writing skills.

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