Tuesday, July 28, 2015

RR TO: "So What? - They Say, I Say"

They Say, I Say taught me that the two hard hitting questions of "Who cares?" & "So what?" really do matter - the irony is that even the reading says Saying Why It Matters.
I learned that while writing a piece, the author is not the only person that needs to be interested but the audience she or he is writing for. The author must ensure to include crucial information.
As page 94 suggests, "Consider, however, how the passage would read had Grady left out what "scientists used to think" and simply explained the new findings in isolation."

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

RR TO: "Everything's An Argument"

To me, this reading of "Everything's An Argument," is saying that the "practical" High School "system" is not of any proper use. Well, on the pages I have listed. (108, 109, 110)
The school system wants us to have structure, to be prepared for the world but all they are really doing is the exact polar opposite. The world already has no structure, everything is free game.

Monday, June 29, 2015

RR TO: "How To Read Like A Writer"

Okay, so, at first, I thought - "Great. Another reading, another blog post." As if English class wasn't interesting enough already, through this specific English course I have learned that writing is legit shiz.
On "How To Read Like A Writer" the author, Mike Bunn, does a very good job of making us, the readers, think and conjure up questions. He also gives plenty student examples, which is a total plus.

By reading Mike Bunn's HTRLAW I learned that by reading like a write will help me to write like one too.
Also, I learned that everything has structure. I mean, this concept was already a thought to me but now, I see the actual act of writing differently.

Probably one of my favorite readings by far because I am so scattered brained. Hopefully Mike Bunn instilled a thing or two in my reading & writing skills.

DRAFT: Interview Q's

- Why photography?
- The photographs you capture, what inspires them?
- What "kind" of photographer are you?
- Before the shutter is pushed, what goes through your mind?
- Since you are a photographer, how would you say you view the world?
- Are you self taught, or…?
- Any favorite things about photography?
- What do you think makes a memorable photograph?
- Have any of your favourite photographers influenced your work?

The list goes on for a tad more but this past week's class I found out the questions are supposed to be relative to WRITING. What a surprise.
SO, I made a few changes.

Stay tuned, folks. …or don't

Artist Statements

(assigned in May)

"This is a unique opportunity for Mexico. With the experts, and the group, and the team that is working together to get this knowledge and to set the standards of what you can do with the right tools and the authorities of country."
-Pilar Luna
National Institute of Anthropology and History

"I'm very proud that there are children and young people who appreciate this tradition."
A film by Titus Napirlica
-The Egg Painter, Elena Craciunescu

"But you have to, at the same time, have a perspective on what's been lost… This is not something you're going to fix in a year or ten. And unless you create the human infrastructure required  for that long term management, then you really haven't done much."
-Robert Newton
Research Scientist
Lamont - Doherty Earth Observatory

The statements shown above harbour many similarities those, which are; punctuation, grammar, & assuring their point is made across in an effective manner. I chose these 3 statements because they ooze with importance. There is enough space to be able to breathe in the information & breathe out the understanding.

NOTE: Totally unsure if I did this assignment properly… 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

RR TO: "Crafting Electronic Messages"

After reading Crafting Electronic Messages I realize E-mail is a little more complex that I originally thought. Who knew there were actual ways to make en e-mail "effective." Not only that, but who knew e-mailing (at work or "business" related) could become such a bug problem.
Crafting Electronic Messages mentions, on page 179, that more than one quarter of U.S employers have terminated employees for the misuse of company e-mail systems. Now that's insane.
What is this employee was the best of the best? Well, maybe a best of the best employee would not miss use the use of e-mailing… *thought bubble here*
It is considered unprofessional to use a cellular device during work hours to inform a loved one of something or receive an important text in return. Now, I would imagine by using the computer placed smack dab in front of them to replace the use of e cell phone would be alright in the companies book, guess not.

On the plus side, E-mails is can be super handy when it comes to someone who has awful hand writing. Sending an e-mail to a potential college, potential job, potential anything important, really, would be much easier and crisp to read. Perhaps even more efficient because if the sender is nervous to lead a face to face conversation, he or she is able to express themselves in a calm, detailed fashion.
E-mail is also good for making appointments for busy, hard to get ahold of people. Just shoot them an email in hopes they receive it directly to their phone and bam. Appointment date and set.

On page 181 there are effective writing tips. The tip I most reside with and consider most helpful: When you request information or action, make it clear what you're asking for, why it's important, and how soon you need it; don't make your reader write back for details.
Perhaps why this tip is listed as #1.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"About Me BLURB"

Well, as cliche as an intro can possibly get - My name is Ernestina. Without an H at the beginning. Usually, if mispronunciation comes into play, which it does, I will respond with, "I know. Just call me whatever." Literally.
Aside from new comers unable to handle the "tongue "twister" name of mine, I would say I am a simple gal who breaths the outdoors and craze over absorbing new information. Well, what is new to me, at least. Oh, did I mention food fanatic yet? I am almost always chowing down.
I am a curious cat that has not been killed. Wether that is due to my nine lives or not, nevertheless. Like most beings, I have questions. I have a tendency to question almost, no wait, everything.
Perhaps I am at the point where I mention my education. Well… like those of you reading this, I am a student at B.I. My field of study is V.J. I am currently at the opening of my third semester here. Aside from the, excuse my french, butt - load amount of dinero spilling out of my parents' pockets, I enjoy it here. The teachings, the teachers, the location. And etcetera.
AH, that is another should - know - about - me. I am a pretty pathetic writer. See, I consider myself a decently organised person. Although, when it comes to physically scribbling my understanding of things onto tangible form, it is a definite asking for disaster. I become distracted by other ideas during the midst of jotting another. A skill I must acquire. For sure.
Oh and before I forget, when and if I forget what I was about to say, I will respond in fast walking, slick talking Spanish.
And my favourite child - hood colour will probably remain to be purple. 
That's all, folks.