Tuesday, July 28, 2015

RR TO: "So What? - They Say, I Say"

They Say, I Say taught me that the two hard hitting questions of "Who cares?" & "So what?" really do matter - the irony is that even the reading says Saying Why It Matters.
I learned that while writing a piece, the author is not the only person that needs to be interested but the audience she or he is writing for. The author must ensure to include crucial information.
As page 94 suggests, "Consider, however, how the passage would read had Grady left out what "scientists used to think" and simply explained the new findings in isolation."

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

RR TO: "Everything's An Argument"

To me, this reading of "Everything's An Argument," is saying that the "practical" High School "system" is not of any proper use. Well, on the pages I have listed. (108, 109, 110)
The school system wants us to have structure, to be prepared for the world but all they are really doing is the exact polar opposite. The world already has no structure, everything is free game.